05/01/2020 | #AGAIN | I Can't Help It | Tim Chilvers | Moseley

05/01/2020 | #AGAIN | I Can't Help It | Tim Chilvers | Moseley

Riverside Church, Birmingham, UK

Title: I Can't Help It
By: Tim Chilvers
Bible Reading: (Acts Chapter 4, verse 20)
Recorded: Sunday 05/01/2020 at our Moseley gathering.

Description: Part of our teaching series called '#AGAIN' looking at the early chapters in the book of Acts in the Bible. Our hope and prayer as we explore these studies together is that God would begin to awaken us to what he is doing and will do again. Maybe, just maybe, we might dare to see extraordinary things happen among us!

Title: I Can't Help It (Acts 4:20)
When we think of the word ‘Christian’, we tend to think of an established religion with churches, prayer and doing good things. But when we look back to the very first Christians, we get to see something much more raw and unstructured. The book of Acts is simply an account by eyewitnesses of the very first Christians. What becomes very clear, very quickly, is that something dramatic had happened…this wasn’t an attempt at establishing a religion, or starting an institution. They were simply a random group of people who’d seen something incredible. And they simply start changing the world as a result! They didn’t have to ‘work themselves up’ to be revolutionaries, they had simply seen something and heard something so breathtaking that had changed everything, for ever. And the question for us is - could this happen again?

Video - https://vimeo.com/383095208/7d93ba48e4

To find out more about Riverside Church please visit: https://riverside-church.org.uk/

We invite you to watch this introduction video:

Also, the introduction for Session 1: I Can’t Help It

Note: While this talk is based on the above listed sections of the Bible, the actual bible readings used during our services may sometimes change


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