Show 90 has finally arrived. Brent battled the demons of Skype-lag, weak laptops and bad luck, but the show has arrived and it is a monster. First we'll address the weekly MMORPG news.
Topics:- BioWare, Pandemic, and EA- Codemasters and RF Online- Gods and Heroes- Guild Wars 2- Lord of the Rings Online- Metaplace- Stargate Worlds- Vanguard- World of Darkness- Mini-news items- New podcasts to check out- What I'm playingAnd then we'll roll the 2007 Podcast Roundup with guest hosts Troy from
Voyages of Vanguard and Brenden from featured podcasts include:
Medispective (AKA VGN Radio) -
www.videogamenews.comPC Gamer Podcast -
pcgamerpodcast.comBuzz Out Loud -
podcast.cnet.comAlpha Rant -
alpha-shade.comThis week in Tech -
twit.tvGFW Radio -
gfw.1up.comLucky Bitch Radio -
wandawisdom.comWoWCast -
wowcast.netGuerrilla Radioshow -
guerrillaradioshow.comMOG - (sorta)
In Our Time - Daily -
eq2-daily.comSWGPodcast -
swgpodcast.comGrammar Girl -