Just about every dog is going to have some trouble with the hot weather.
For some dogs even a slight elevation in temperature will find them seeking out the shade and wanting shorter walks.
The heat itself can be tiring for a dog so it tends to shorten walks and activity. This will result in us having to find creative ways to entertain our dog and burn some energy.
For this episode I reached right into my Enrichment Database (available with YOUR Perfect Puppy) to find some activities that are perfect for a hot day.
I have you covered if you want to play with water, sit in the shade with a frozen treat, or stay inside and avoid the heat altogether.
Press play and enjoy!
Articles on heat stroke in dogs:
Rover Round Robin: A fun family recall game you can turn into hide and seek (request the step by step directions)
YOUR New Puppy: My signature new puppy course that has helped hundreds of new puppy parents raise their puppies.