Fall 2005 Calendar (as of 10.05.05)

Fall 2005 Calendar (as of 10.05.05)

The Official Podcast of The Kuumba Singers

This is the calendar for the Fall 2005 Semester. Information is accurate as of 10.05.05.

Please make special note of these dates:
10/5 - Bass Sectional 7PM
10/12 - Tenor Sectional 7PM
10/12 - Harvard Tech Rehearsal 10PM
10/15 - HarvAid -- BLOCK OFF THE ENTIRE DAY (schedule will be sent out later)
10/19 - Soprano Sectional 7PM
10/26 - Alto Sectional 7PM
11/2 - Tenor Sectional 7PM
11/9 - Bass Sectional 7PM
11/16 - Soprano Sectional 7PM
11/30 - Alto Sectional 7PM


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