03 Messy Me Series: The Victim

03 Messy Me Series: The Victim

Conversations with Dr. Walker

Conversations with Dr. Walker is a podcast about personal development and growth.

This is episode 3 of 5 in the Messy Me series. This episode is called "The Victim."

I help people find their voices, redefine their lives, and live in their purpose on purpose. My purpose is to bring light to darkness. In this discussion, I talk about Messy Me, literally. However, this is not a gossip session, but an introspective conversation that sheds light on my mess.

We all have messes. Some of us choose to own it, while others pretend that their lives are perfect...perfectly messy. In this episode, I share a personal experience that lead to a victimized mindset. The discussion covers the source of the victimized mindset, the effects of playing the victim, and provides insightful information on how to get rid of the victim mindset and live a life of freedom.

My goal is to evoke your ability to look within and conduct an honest inventory of your life. Do you have a victim's mindset and are sick and tired of life happening to you? Are you ready to start calling the shots in your own life? Well, it is time to assume full responsibility for your life and live out LOUD! It is all about personal development. Join me on this personal development journey.

Steps to move from victimization to freedom.
1. Assess your current mindset and interaction with others.
2. Assume full responsibility for EVERY aspect of your life.
3. Shift from a self-reliant to a God-reliant lifestyle.

My challenge to you.
Daily Affirmation:
"Every experience I have had in life is valuable."

Meditation Verse:
2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and sound mind.

May this be a blessing to you!

When you have an event and are looking for someone to energize, educate, and entertain your audience contact me.

I am a keynote speaker, certified life coach, and speaker consultant.

Feel free to connect with me.
Website: www.moniquewalkermd.com
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram: @moniquewalkermd
Email: coach.monique@yahoo.com


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