Japan segment:
Daihatsu Scandal
Builder Segment (Andy)
P2P Btc lighting network balancing pool
PeerSwap enables Lightning Network nodes to balance their channels by facilitating atomic swaps with direct peers. PeerSwap enhances decentralization of the Lightning Network by enabling all nodes to be their own swap provider. No centralized coordinator, no 3rd party rent collector, and lowest cost channel balancing means small nodes can better compete with large nodes.
PeerSwap currently has a working implementation for both CLN and LND nodes.
At the moment PeerSwap is suitable for power node operators with Linux command line skills. Implementations of control panel GUI interfaces are currently underway which will make PeerSwap easier to use for ordinary end users.
Opposite approach to most existing balancing methods.
If you balance channels only with direct peers it is very reliable.
Rather than opening more and bigger channels, you can cheaply refill channels you already have to the desired balance.
Fixes balance without harming other nodes.
Opening new channels is recommended not for the purpose of balancing, but if you want a more direct connection with a frequent source/destination node.
Multiple optional swap types.
Currently BTC & L-BTC onchain swaps.
Additional wallet options can be implemented.
Main topic: Nozomi Hayase: Networked Messiah