Explore the intriguing world of Tamgas, the symbolic seals of Turkic and Mongolic cultures. Discover their role in identity, trade, and diplomacy among tribes like the Oghuz Turks, Göktürks, and the Mongols. Learn about their historical significance from Europe to India and their lasting impact in Türkiye.
00:00-01:04: Intro
01:05-02:44: What are Tamgas?
02:45-04:06: Kinds of Tamgas
04:07-05:46: Oghuz Turks
05:47-06:48: From Bulgars in Europe to Babur in India
06:49-07:47: The Seljuk Eagle
07:48-10:22: Hunnic and Mongol Tamgas
10:23-11:50: Tamgas in Türkiye
11:51-12:36: Preview and Outro
#Tamgas #TribalSeals #TurkicCulture #MongolicCulture #OghuzTurks #Göktürks #Mongols #SeljukEagle #HunnicTamgas #TurkishHistory
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