

Girls w/ Anxiety

Hiii GWA Fam!
This week we are talking about periods, aunt flow, that time of the month, wo-menstruating...whatever you like to call her. As well as the anxieties she can bring along, the hot flashes, mood swings and can't forget the good ol' cramps and tender boobs. Also, the anxieties that happen during pregnancy, primarily for Neg's first trimester. She also gives us a bumpdate and lets us know her boobs are the size of 17 cantaloupes, wild I know. Anyway, enough about being embarrassed about having your period, let's normalize her and continue to better educate those youngins about PERIODS. Raise your hand if it's time to normalize periods!

Disaster Relief For Beirut Explosion

Follow us
Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Neg @nneggy
Here is our website if you want to see a cute picture of us!
Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.com

xx GWA


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