Magazines and Monsters episode 25, Silver Bullet (1985)

Magazines and Monsters episode 25, Silver Bullet (1985)

Magazines and Monsters

Hey everybody, I'm back and it's time for another film discussion! In this episode, I'l be joined by two of my favorite people, Herman Louw (Longbox of Darkness, Into the Weird) and Ryan Daly (Fire and Water Podcast Network)! The three of us like this movie quite a bit (although we are honest about its shortcomings during the discussion), and we couldn't wait to sit down in front of the mics and wax rhapsodic about it. (quick note- we referenced Midnight Mass from Netflix a few times, as Herm, Ryan, and Angela talked about it recently, click here to listen in!). We go through the cast and then jump in the deep end of the film, and follow it up with some discussion about the Stephen King novelette as well.

As usual, you can contact the show by email at or on the FB page. Ryan is on Twitter @RyanDaly01 and Herm is @darklongbox (I'm @Billyd_licious). Definitely check out Ryan on the Fire and Water Network, as he has a great backlog of shows dating back to 2016, and currently hosts Cheerscast and makes appearances on other shows as well. Herm is the cohost of Into the Weird, A World on Fire; an All-Star Squadron Podcast, Star Rocket Radio, and of course his own show The Longbox of Darkness. Thanks for listening and supporting the show!

*NOTE- there are some slight spoilers for Midnight Mass (Netflix) in this conversation, so if you haven't watched that yet but plan to, skip over that bit of the show (at the 1:50:12 mark, for about 30 seconds). 


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