Escaping the Fiat Mines Part 2

Escaping the Fiat Mines Part 2

Tokyo Citadel Builders

  1. Builder segment:  


      1. What is satsback 

        1. Satsback is an evolution of cashback and loyalty rewards. It is the reward you earn by using when you shop online at any of the connected stores. The satsback reward is a % of what you spend that you get back in bitcoin. They have a good list of stores similar to Bitrefill or the bitcoin co. Nothing japan focused yet but some offerings are international so you can use them from anywhere. 

      2. How does work?

        1. They work with online stores that pay a commission whenever you shop with them. They convert that to bitcoin and share most of it with you. They make a small profit every time you buy something, they can keep our platform free to use while respecting your privacy.

      3. How to shop with satsback?

        1. Once you have signed up, go to the Stores section and find the online store where you would like to shop. Then, visit the store using the green 'Shop now' button and shop as you usually do. Complete your purchase, and they automatically add satsback to your account. You may also download our browser extension that will alert you to activate satsback rewards when visiting participating online stores. As long as you don't return or cancel your order, you will be able to withdraw the sats to your mobile wallet. It's the easiest and safest way to start saving in bitcoin.

      4. @satsback or

  2. Main topic: escaping the fiat mines part 2

    1. If Bitcoin is going to eat the world, would it not mean every single business will be a bitcoin business some day? If so, is every single industry and incumbent business up for grabs? Will we see a bitcoin first online retailer flip Amazon? Or will Amazon embrace Bitcoin in time? Or is Bitcoin inherently decentralized so we will see a bifurcation of the permissioned, KYC CBDC markets and the open, decentralized, free Bitcoin markets? 

    2. What are the options to get into Bitcoin as a career? Or… stay in your fiat job, rise to the top, and use your influence to bring your fiat company to Bitcoin? 

  1. Risks of being all-in on Bitcoin. Risks of not being all in? Risks of being half in. 

    1. From a selfish point of view, is it better to earn maximum amount of fiat and convert that the KYC free sats DCA and just HODL? Or do we have a moral obligation to do more? 

    2. Is the power of Bitcoin that is compels us to action? How much free will do we even have to make this decision? Is the meme of Bitcoin working within us to make our ever increasing commitment to Bitcoin’s success irresistible? 

    3. Could “workig in bitcoin” just be as simple as being a hairdresser who accepts bitcoin? An account who understands bitcoin taxes? A bookstore which stocks Bitcoin books? Is an ever growing population of bitcoiners with ever growing purchasing power going to incentivise more businesses to start adopting a bitcoin strategy? Or will those not “all in” inevitably miss the revolution and start shitcoining? 

    4. How much is shitcoining or being half in an issue? Standard notes, Casa examples. Even Proton not supporting LN. 

    5. Does Bitcoin have more real building than other projects? 


    1. Find us on Twitter/nostr @tokyocitadel

    2. Online

    3. Support us on fountain app with a 1,000 sat boost

    4. Building sovereignty, privacy and hope into the tokyo citadel. 


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