S-Core “My Candle Has Died”

S-Core “My Candle Has Died”

NOISEXTRA - The noise podcast.

S-Core simply exists. There is no beginning or end. “My Candle Has Died” has always been there, it just took S-Core to tap into the stream and bring it to life. A perfect album on a perfect label. These things live in no time and in all times. S-Core resides in mind. S-Core forever and ever.

For the ExtraNoisextra segment on Patreon, we discuss the incredible discography of the label Praxis Dr. Bearmann.

Visit our Sponsor: Oxen Records
Check out Incapacitants “Oxen Man’s Uneasiness”
Check out NBDY “Woods & Wires”
Follow us on Instagram: @noisextra
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Support us on Patreon: patreon.com/noisextra

Recent Listening:
Arzat Skia “Voice to the Hollows”
Sonambule “1”
Blister Pack “Swing, Brother, Swing”
Banetoriko “Yorioto Hogiokuri”
Friendless Churches “The Feast of Fools”
Am Sonntag In Der Klinik “Crematorio Atlantico”


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