Illness, Isolation, and Anxiety; How to Cope with Shani Galarza

Illness, Isolation, and Anxiety; How to Cope with Shani Galarza

Girls w/ Anxiety

This week Heike chats with her close friend, Shani Galarza. Shani shares how being mentally exhausted and running on empty lead her down a path of numerous health scares. With few questions answered and countless doctor visits, she was eventually pointed in the direction of an autoimmune disorder. She discusses how picking up the pieces of her life and implementing a healthy new lifestyle was very isolating. With continuous pep talks to herself, and daily reminders of her own mental and physical self strength she was able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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Links below
Follow Shani Galarza:
Instagram: shanigalarza
Follow Teelixir Medicinal Mushrooms:
Instagram: teelixir

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xx GWA


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