72: First Account is Free

72: First Account is Free

Jun 3 2022 • 48m

Show Notes

A quick-fire round of projects this week, your feedback, and a discussion about the future of Self-Hosting.


20,000 sats
Jun 4 2022
hey guys. this marks about one year of me listening to self hosted. it came at a time when my wife was really sick in bed pregnant with our 2nd child. self hosted helped get me through that rough time and introduced me to a hobby that I could do from the house. I’m super thankful for everything y’all do here. love and respect, Hudson.
13,370 sats
Jun 7 2022
Call it "Self Hosted: Maker Space". It can be a segment in the show, or another "version" of the show released in Jupiter Extras. Pick the cadence that works for you. Then you can put 3D printing or hardware tinkering, etc. there. The not-just-software content. Maybe also "Self Hosted: Deep Dives" for especially focused, umm, deep-dives. Discuss in Office Hours? I like the "elite" SATs but gave you an extra decimal place because.... I love it!
3,030 sats
Jun 7 2022
Alex: fair enough about the all-in-one containers. I guess I didn't remember the specifics about your previous complaint. Speaking of monoliths, I've been running gitlab on bare metal and docker for 6 years now and it's been nothing but trouble. Finally installed gitea today based on your endorsement, which took all of 5 minutes. The docs are very thorough. Now to install something to get my ci back...
2,346 sats
Oct 11 2022
hi guys, I wanted to about an amazing new-ish feature of Rclone. You can now use a Docker plugin to mount local or cloud storage directly as a Docker volume. Great for host isolation/seperation.
2,222 sats
Jun 3 2022
Honesty, i dont know what I would do with the wi-fi e-ink! I just was at a Kohls and seen that they use a similar e-ink thing and got the noodle rumbling! Another great show! As always, quack!
2,020 sats
Jun 7 2022
I'd be very interested in a maker show, but it would have to be really good to compete with what I already follow (knowing jb I'm sure it will be). There would have to be some kind of new take on it IMO. I'm not interested in begginer "this is how a 3d printer works" stuff either. I'd also be interested in being involved, though I'm not sure how serious you were about finding a host or what the qualifications would be.
1,010 sats
Jun 7 2022
I've been toying with the idea of setting up an eink screen to show my nextcloud calendar, which is where I sync my work google calendar, ms teams calendar, ms scheduler, etc etc. I don't want any WiFi though. I want it on the wall in my office so I'll just run a cable to it and update it from my computer on a cron job or something.
1,000 sats
Jun 3 2022
XMPP with OMEMO is really great compared to the OTR protocol I remember using. End-to-end group multimedia messaging is now possible much like in Matrix.