βš‘πŸ‘œ FWB061 - Securing The Bag 2023
Flirting With Bitcoin

βš‘πŸ‘œ FWB061 - Securing The Bag 2023

25 May β€’ 1hr 9m

Show Notes

Support The Pod* Strike* CashApp* LightningMentioned In Episode* Pizza Day [Bitcoin Magazine]* Block Wars [Bitcoin Magazine]* Trezor & Wasabi [Bitcoin University]* Trezor & Wasabi [Chris Blec]* Ledger [Bitcoin University]Full Nodes* Bitcoin Core w/ External Hard drive ** Umbrel ** Start9* Mynode* NodlDesktop Wallets* Sparrow ** Nunchuk* Specter* Green Wallet* Blue WalletMobile Wallets* Blue Wallet ** Nunchuk * Samourai* Green WalletLightning Wallets* Alby (nostr one tap zap) ** Strike (pay lightning invoices with USD) ** Zeus (connect directly to your full node) ** Phoenix* Wallet of Satoshi* CashAppHardware Wallets* COLDCARD ** Foundation* Blockstream Jade* Seed Signer(* things we use) Follow UsNOSTR - Podcast | Ian | MandanaWebsite | Twitter | Instagram | Ian's Twitter RecommendationsSatoshi Savings CalculatorStrike Referral ($5)Swan BitcoinUnchained CapitalFountain Podcasts (listen to earn)Stacker News Referral (100 sats)StatsFlirting With β‚Ώitcoin is 73056 Blocks OldIts been 1526 Blocks Since Last Episode48922 Blocks Until Next Halving3676 Satoshis for $1 7371 Satoshis for 1 Dozen Eggs17021 Satoshis for 1 Pound Ground Beef9851 Satoshis for 1 Gallon of Gasfrom Get full access to Flirting With Bitcoin at
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123,456 sats
29 May
Plebs dont realise how much effort explore-exploit takes and sometimes results in being exploited: first time i tried a lightning app i got scammed. i had a seed, but so did they -- the same one. i got electrum for mobile to try getting the btc back but didnt choose the right Bip, had to go to work and in the meantime lost the sats :( ~ i got some BCH in the blockchain wars but sent it and the BTC to my ledger with a low fee (explr-expli), the BTC got confirmed. i'm still waiting for BCH. Thanks
30 May
explain more
dont encourage spammers
thanks for the baller boost sat-port ✊🏾🧑 these sats are finding a good home on #nostr and with all your generosity we'll be increasing the bounty for clips in your honor 🫑
s something similar happened to me yesterday on telegram, if I didn’t have my spiiddy senses up I would have lots my entire stack
that's wild about the lighting wallet and the BCH. gotta keep your head on a swivel out here.
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10,000 sats
4 Jun
Another fantastic episode. My mind is still going a mile a minute trying to get my head around the previous episode and what i need to do regarding wallets and such. now i need to figure out how to get some of my retirment funds into bitcoin. So much to think about. Keep up the awesome work.
awe thanks for the feedback and sat-port 🧑✊🏾. if you have questions feel free to ask here or on nostr. I'll answer either via text or on.the show if it's a answer that would serve everyone
3,500 sats
26 May
Thank you so much for answering my questions. I will switch to whirlpool, that was also on my list when I was researching coin join. I’m working on installing sparrow on my node PC now. And although I have a third PC which is my crypto only PC and it rarely goes online, I do still have a fair amount of BTC on a ledger, so I’ll be moving that
27 May
sparrow has whirlpool capabilities built in. just needs to connect to a full node. hence why you need your own full node. I'll send you the link on nostr since fountain comments don't like links at the moment
1,093 sats
26 May
I'd like to hear your thoughts on ledgers adjustment after the back lash and the open source announcement
27 May
ledger is dead to me. I'll post a video of me burning ours once I get my new devices. we have a pretty distributed setup so it'll take some time πŸ˜‚
I thought I was making a good move by putting all my BTC on ledger but guess it's just another house of cards :( looking forward to the video and the new setup.
27 May
you weren't wrong. but in my opinion ledger has lost the plot of why we Bitcoin. Get a COLDCARD and never look back.
I really do not know which company to trust anymore. My BTC holdings aren't that impressive. I might just spread them out over different hot and cold wallets and accept the risk.
31 May
don't do that. you can use passphrases with your hardware wallets (signing device) that will create separate wallets from a single seed
But I’m the dramatic one 😜
I think both of you have a lot of... character :D
1,001 sats
26 May
keep the jokes coming lol. The flow chart on all of this ... massive
26 May
unfortunately yes it is a pretty massive flowchart. but it's because there is so much choice which is actually a good thing ✊🏾🧑
630 sats
25 May
been worried, listened and watched a few things related to ledger including the wbd pod with the top guy of ledger. they totally missed the point of their core customer based, imo. why not have a separate type of hardware wallet for those who can’t hold their own keys, it’s called custodial bitcoin and a necklace. oh wait, they did that a couple of weeks back.
26 May
I think they missed the mark because they are not Bitcoiners and ledger isn't a Bitcoin only wallet. They actually cater to users who are "diversified" into altcoins. unfortunately those types of users aren't the most educated when it comes to Bitcoin security. The Biggest lesson to take away from all of this is to only use Signing Devices (aka hardware wallets) that only support Bitcoin. 🧑✊🏾
626 sats
31 May
great show - love the humbleness on the Ledger issue as it was one of the few things I disagreed with in the past episode. Timely info as I’m getting my first Q1, am I being dumb if use it w/o a full node? Full node/ personal server was up next after the hardware wallet.
31 May
Yeah I had been giving ledger the benefit of the doubt for a little too long. I have no problem admitting when I am wrong and need to make a change. I pre-ordered the q1 also. I think you'd want a full node to use with you HWW(aka signing device) because if you want to see how much Bitcoin you have, you need to connect to some node. when you do this, you leak information like IP address and wallet address. If you're in Bitcoin for the privacy then you definitely only want your own node.
31 May
TY for the advice, I’ll make it a priority. After I get the Q1 and node the robo sats was next! I’ve been too diligent about stacking sats to worry too much about the privacy side. I do keep my Fold sats separate as they are tax free because they are considered a prize or gift. Slowly stack and let BTC slowly change your behavior - moving too quick can get you wrecked!
500 sats
26 May
this is podcast episode is gold, this couldn't have been better timing. I'm in the process of dumping my ledger and nosediving myself into the node rabbit hole. thanks for the insights on wallets. decided to preorder a q1 coldcard, and an airgaped cold wallet for my sh*t coins. was planning on sending all my lightning coins onto my non lightning wallet but after hearing you guys talk about it I might just keep them there, I just get weird about having my coins in a hot wallet.
500 sats
26 May
Loved the great advice on running a node and wallets. Also Mandana jokes and laugh are great at breaking up a serious topic.
They make a great team.
500 sats
31 May
First time listening to your podcast. Loved it. keep them coming!
31 May
thanks for the feedback and sat-port ✊🏾🧑 I hope you keep coming back. ship once a week
333 sats
25 May
fuck ledger!
that's the spirit πŸ–•
200 sats
15 Jul
I find that FWB is a very awesome podcast. As previously stated, the dynamic duo at FWB provides an experience to the listener who is seeking new information about Bitcoin and life in general. Quite honestly, I wish Fountain had come along sooner. As the sayings go, knowledge is power and sharing is caring. The benefit of being able to support the show vΓ­a sats provides another real world use case that many if not all social networks are lacking. Cheers to many more episodes to come from FWB.
Thank you so much πŸ€—
200 sats
15 Jun
FWB061 was a great episode of an awesome show. The great chemistry makes for great dialogue and makes the show all that much more enjoyable than other shows. Thank you for sharing great information with the audience.
200 sats
27 Dec
121 sats
26 May
Ledger totally create more FUD across the industry which is not doing any good more newcomers. Remember how hard I get my first Ledger living in the South East Asia region (custom is giving me a hard time). Was super excited that time to get my first hardware wallet. Now super disappointed, Ledger really fuck up! As for Wasabi, Matt Odell really support and recommended them during 2019 (in RHR show). Not really sure what happened in between. Still in progress listen back to all the RHR podcast
Yeah they messed up "bigly". fortunately for them there is a new crop of customers coming in the next bull cycle that won't even know any off this happened. it's up to us to make sure that they do. ✊🏾🧑
111 sats
26 Aug
Super great episode. Geat advice about wallets for this Newbie Bitcoiner, and simple advice about making a node. Great Lightning info too. Will listen again and take notes. Thanks guys <3
100 sats
30 Aug
good info thank you
100 sats
15 Jun
tanks you both (or 3) of you for this message. regards
100 sats
25 May
So much great info... but I have a question: I thought Blue Wallet removed their lightning wallet functionality? I loved them before they did this, now looking for an alternative. Thanks as always for helping us newbies out here!
26 May
They removed the lightning service that they were providing, but you can import certain lightning wallets into Blue wallet so you can manage everything from one place. alby is one of those wallets
100 sats
26 May
I so <3 the "breaking up" joke... I am still laughing! ;) 00:21:20-00:21:43
"Flirting With Bitcoin is funny and informative" - dgatthjourneytothere
100 sats
25 May
great episode. no love for warm wallets? thanks for the info
26 May
Blue wallet on mobile would be a "warm" wallet wouldn't it? all Mobile wallets are technically "warm" wallets unless they are tied to an exchange like Coinbase or binance. what's your definition of warm.
fantastic episode πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘
14 Jul
thanks for the feedback and the sat-port
100 sats
26 May
I fuck with you Ian, for mentioning border wallets. you're a deep OG. Shouts out to your wife as well. She brings balance that even she might not understand. Wish the show could be every day tho. But it's all good tho, the scarcer the better
This comment both confused me and amused me. I agree with your point. They have a very wholesome and healthy dynamic. Love it.
26 May
thanks for the feedback and the sat-port man it means a lot. 🧑✊🏾 I'm still learning and will probably never know everything once we get past lightning and layer 2 but this podcast keeps me on my toes. I'm constantly checking to make sure what I'm saying is not only right, but still right.
26 May
NewsNowdotcodotUK ( is pretty good for info.
31 May
thanks for the feedback
If you are running a full node, DON’T FORGET to open the correct port on your router to allow incoming traffic. There is plenty of documentation out ther that details how to do this. Only with both inbound and outbound traffic are you then part of the Bitcoin ecosystem.
31 May
good point. when I setup my fullnode I had already opened the port cause I had setup my umbrel earlier 🧑✊🏾