Option Block 221: Suspiciously Well-Timed Call Buying

Option Block 221: Suspiciously Well-Timed Call Buying

The Option Block

Option Block 221: Suspiciously Well-Timed Call Buying

Trading Block: The market was mixed today, with the VIX cash off slightly. GM profits down from 2011, stock down 3%. Jobless claims decrease last week. Zynga flirts with $4 before retreating back to $3. Former RIMM CEO dumps the rest of his stock, never a good sign. “CBOE Group Holdings Inc., which became a publicly held company in 2010 after years of effort, would consider going private again if doing so benefits its shareholders, a top executive said on Thursday.” PHLX's Sandy Frucher is getting OIC's Sullivan this year. Is the PHLX saga really worth celebrating?

Odd Block: Big call Activity in Hess Corp. (HES), and suspiciously well-timed call buying in Constellation Brands Inc. (STZ).

Xpress Block: It was a quiet day, with the exceptions of Facebook and Blackberry. A new pricing scheme in futures. What's new with implementing the Minis? The devil is in the details.

Mail Block: What do you want to know from the All-Stars?

Question from Filipp001: When SPX daily options?

Strategy Block: The credit spread with benefits.

Around the Block: Earnings are still coming up, including Tesla Motors 2/20, Marriot 2/20. Remember that Monday, Feb 18 is a non-trading day.


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