You don’t have to be a dog person to know about basic obedience. It’s usually the first thing you think of when someone says “training a dog”.
It is popular for very good reasons. I could list a hundred reasons for you and your dog to go through some kind of obedience training.
In this episode, I name a few but I mostly talk about what, in my opinion, is the most important part of your basic obedience education.
YOU are the most important part of your dog's obedience training.
Learning the commands is only half the story. Developing the relationship and bond is the other. You can’t have one without the other.
If you have ever had a dog or have known a dog that only listens to one person in the family or if you have ever known a dog that knew all his commands but still didn’t behave properly then you know what I’m talking about
I feel that if you approach your training as a relationship building exercise then you are going to get the most out of it.
Obedience training isn’t a cure-all but it can create the foundation of your relationship and all training to come.
Have you taken an obedience class? Tell us your experience. What was the best thing you got out of it? What do you wish was different? Leave a comment below and let us know.