Episode #32 - Hang the Fear Mongers - It's Time to Lose the Fear of COVID-19

Episode #32 - Hang the Fear Mongers - It's Time to Lose the Fear of COVID-19

Gold Goats 'n Guns Podcast

The lock downs are ending and the fear mongering is ramping up. The natives are getting restless and the powers that be are desperately trying to hold onto their useful idiots who think being afraid of a bad cold makes them the smartest people on the planet.

This week we look at fear, the reasons for why they stoke it and why it's beyond time to be outraged about this and reject all forms of government control. The great Scott Adams has reached the state of exasperation and it's a beautiful thing to see.

Our politicians are spineless weasels who cannot protect us from the predators looking to destroy civilization for their own gain and their own power. Time to get back to doing the real work of the world.

Show Notes:
Scott Adams' Amazing Rant Against the Government

Lockdowns Ending but Their Politics Still Rule

The Pseudoscience Behind the Assault on Hydroxychloroquine


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