Black.Surfers with Kayiita Johansson

Black.Surfers with Kayiita Johansson

WeSurf BIPOC Surf Talk

In this episode of the WeSurf podcast, host Kwame LaBassiere interviews Kayiita Johansson, the founder of the Black.Surfers Community Group. They discuss Kayiita’s journey into surfing, the lack of diversity in the surfing community, and the creation of the Black.Surfers Community Group. The conversation highlights the importance of community and representation in surfing, and the impact that the group has had in bringing together black surfers and promoting equity in the sport.

Black.Surfers is a global community that aims to create a positive, inclusive, and respectful space for black surfers. Kayiita, explains how he manages the community and ensures that it aligns with the vision of inclusivity and support. He also discusses his vision for the future of Black.Surfers, including expanding the organization, co-sponsoring legislation, and increasing coastal access for black people. Kayiita emphasizes the importance of policy work in addressing the systemic issues faced by black surfers and creating equity in the surfing community. He also addresses the pushback and criticism he has received for creating a space specifically for black surfers. In this final part of the conversation, Kayiita discusses the importance of allies in the surf community and the impact of voting and activism. They also engage in a fun rapid-fire question round about surf meals and preferences. Kwame shares his vision for the WeSurf podcast and the impact he hopes to see in the next five years.

For more information on Black.Surfers you can go to their Instagram page: @black.surfers

The WeSurf Podcast is recorded by The NewsStand Studio at Rockefeller Center in the heart of Manhattan and is distributed by The Swell Season Surf Radio Network.

Follow the WeSurf Podcast on Instagram @wesurfpodcast


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