How Machine Translation Makes Localization Easy on Frazier
In addition to audio description, VIDEO TO VOICE is actively involved in other fields surrounding accessibility for digital media. To break down language barriers, Frazier includes a neural machine translation service. With lower costs and fewer delays, this option is a popular choice for clients wanting to create video content in multiple languages.
Jokes about online translation tools are so last decade. When the first real-time machine translation services emerged in the early 2000s, they were ridiculed for producing questionable results. At best amusing, and at worst wildly offensive, translations created this way would often be too literal and stray away from the intended meaning of the original text.
But as technology has improved in recent years, there have been noticeably fewer “translation fail” memes doing the rounds on social media. The latest developments in machine translation involve neural networks. These are subsets of machine learning that try to mimic how the human brain works during the translation process.
Intrigued? Read on to find out everything you need to know about the language service industry, where providers are having trouble, and how machine translation makes localization easy.
Why is translation important?It's simple – we all want access to content and information that is naturally communicated in our own language.
From a business standpoint, effective communication helps companies improve their brand image, boost customer satisfaction, and increase productivity of staff.
As well as keeping existing customers happy, translated content can help companies expand into other markets. This is backed up by findings in the 2020 Common Sense Advisory Report “Can't Read, Won't Buy”: