Living Life Tanner Guthrie Style with Rev. Dathan & Chera Guthrie

Living Life Tanner Guthrie Style with Rev. Dathan & Chera Guthrie

Pod'N Me

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I have a treat for you today, Hershall. I sit down (virtually) with my pastor and his wife again. We have talked about doing this episode for a long time and finally we got it done. We talked about the main man in their life, Mr. Tanner Guthrie, and the impact he has had on so many people. Hang on, cause toward the end of the interview we get to hear from him. Also, we get to hear him sing his favorite song. After all, Hersh, he is the leader of the Guthrie Vocal Band. 
Sis. Chera has a blog that I referenced in the interview. It is well worth the read and it is at Enjoy!

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Personalities on Pod'N Me
Pastor: Devin Birdsong
Deacon: Dustin Wakley
Songleader: Brad Cottrell
Hershall: Jud Ingram
News Anchor, Dink Burbank: Josh Smith
Gen Z Boy: Brooks Birdsong


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