Welcome fellow Miners! I am proud to bring you episode to of the Build-a-Mine Podcast with our co-host Will Pangman. After a brief story from Will about his journey into Bitcoin from a libertarian viewpoint, we discuss the importance of Bitcoin and why we believe the landscape is changing. Together Will and I help to break down some of the FUD surrounding Bitcoin mining. We have a simple Ethos here at the BAM Bitcoin, and Bitcoin mining are for everyone. our mission is to show the world just how it can be done. If that sounds interesting and fun to you, like and subscribe to this show and follow along as will and I show you how to Build-a-Mine!
Go to to.tool/Podcast to learn more about the show.
Want to learn more about how to start mining 1 bitcoin per month? Watch our free 45 minute webinar on commercial scale bitcoin mining. Heres the link- https://to.tools/bootcamp-intro-webinar-recording
If you are ready to get into mining but have no idea where to start check out our monthly MasterMINED club where we meet every week to network with other peers, hold each other accountable, and work towards our next mining operation. With monthly deep dives and weekly conversations about mining you'll know exactly what steps to take next. Visit https://to.tools/mastermined-club to learn more.
And finally if you are going to Nashville July 25th-27th for the Bitcoin conference, join us for a one-day Build-a-Mine intensive course designed to streamline your progress towards building a commercial-scale bitcoin mining operation. Go to https://the-mining-conference.eventbrite.com to sign up.
Follow Trevor and Will here
Twitter: @TrevorBello @Willwaukee
Find the show here @BuildaMinePod
Reach out on email here:
(0:00 - 0:49)
Episode introduction
(0:49 - 4:09) Wills introduction and background
(4:09 - 5:25) Bitcoins role in our lives
(5:25 - 11:56) Wills Journey with Bitcoin
(11:56 - 14:44) Bitcoins effect on Humanity
(14:44 - 19:54) How Mining is changing lives
(19:54 - 28:01) The energyflow of Bitcoin
(28:01 - 36:04) Understanding the narrative
(36:04 - 38:18) Greenpeace Advocating for Mining
(38:18 - 43:03) Understanding Bitcoin Mining
(43:03 - 49:49) Surviving bitcoin halvings
(49:49 - 54:54) How mining can benefit you
(54:55) - Wealth inequality and finishing thoughts