Title: I Believe in Miracles
By: Judy Moore
Bible Reading: Acts Chapter 3, verses 1 - 10.
Recorded: Sunday 12/01/2020 at our Moseley / Kings Heath Gathering.
Description: Part of our teaching series called '#AGAIN' looking at the early chapters in the book of Acts in the Bible. Our hope and prayer as we explore these studies together is that God would begin to awaken us to what he is doing and will do again. Maybe, just maybe, we might dare to see extraordinary things happen among us!
I Believe in Miracles:
When you hear stories of miracles, what kind of person are you? Do you get excited by it and instantly believe? Or, are you like most of us...a natural skeptic? In 1975, the band Hot Chocolate sang the famous lyrics “I believe in miracles, that’s what you are...’ (We all know the next lyric!! Ahem.) Of course, it’s a song about relationships and desire, but what if we all actually do believe in miracles? I mean, whether or not you’re a believer in God, where did everything come from? It either came from nothing or from some divine hand...either way its pretty miraculous! And what about in the day to day - are miracles possible today? What is clear is that in the book of Acts, dramatic things did happen causing a real stir. And, can those same things happen again today?
Video - https://vimeo.com/384179577/e31ef22eb6
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Note: While this talk is based on the above listed sections of the Bible, the actual bible readings used during our services may sometimes change.