IlliniGuys Sports Spectacular - Oct 1 Weekend - 2nd Hour

IlliniGuys Sports Spectacular - Oct 1 Weekend - 2nd Hour

IlliniGuys Sports Spectacular

IlliniGuys Larry Smith, Brad Sturdy, and Mike Cagley welcome IlliniGuys Director of Recruiting Kedric Prince to talk basketball and football recruiting along with Matt Stevens, IlliniGuys Staff Writer covering Illini football. Take a deep dive into Illini sports with the IlliniGuys.

Remember, if you like the IlliniGuys Sports Spectacular, please give our website a try. Go to and take advantage of our 7-day free trial. We think you'll stick around. Do it now, so you don't miss a minute of the freshly started 21-22 basketball season as Kofi and Curbelo lead a formidable Illini basketball team into a new season!


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