Free (kinda) karaoke on Wii U?! Count us in! Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is also in the house! That and more Wii U love with discussions about Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper, ZombiU and Tekken Tag 2.
Double the Monster Hunter in news and a little bit about the latest update for Dragon Quest X on the Wii.
Horrifying Christmas tales of kidnappings in Life in Japan
Plus: The Best of 2012 - Japan Edition!
Free (kinda) karaoke on Wii U?! Count us in! Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is also in the house! That and more Wii U love with discussions about Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper, ZombiU and Tekken Tag 2.
Double the Monster Hunter in news and a little bit about the latest update for Dragon Quest X on the Wii.
Horrifying Christmas tales of kidnappings in Life in Japan