Elizabeth Beston

Elizabeth Beston

Something (rather than nothing)

A warm welcome to Elizabeth Beston

Her artist statement gives a wonderful introduction to her explorations:

We often associate the microscopic world as looking inwards, and downwards (as opposed to space, which is felt of as an outward, expansive pursuit). Through my photographic work, I want to challenge this paradigm, using the microscope as a platform for connecting to something bigger than us – after all, in H.G. Wells’ ‘War of the Worlds’ it wasn’t the power of the humans that won earth it’s victory, it was microbes, unseen by us on our plane of vision, but there nonetheless, mightier than any army. Through my microscope, I am invited into new galaxies, and whilst I use my instrument for scientific exploration, I also find abstract and aesthetic beauty – mysterious landscapes, intriguing textures, and depths of colour. It is these fascinating discoveries I want to share with the world, and show the beauty under a microscope through visceral eyes.



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