(00:06:05) New Business - Crimson Shroud. (00:19:13) Dragon Quest XI demo. (00:36:33) Vice: Project Doom. (00:58:27) Daemon X Machina.
(01:21:05) Listener Mail - Music you can't miss. (01:38:57) Elsinore. (01:44:32) Guilt about cheating. (02:01:22) Tactics games suggestions; games that are fun to break.
(00:06:05) New Business - Crimson Shroud. (00:19:13) Dragon Quest XI demo. (00:36:33) Vice: Project Doom. (00:58:27) Daemon X Machina.
(01:21:05) Listener Mail - Music you can't miss. (01:38:57) Elsinore. (01:44:32) Guilt about cheating. (02:01:22) Tactics games suggestions; games that are fun to break.