Bitcoin Evangelism (The Book) w/ Brian De Mint
Bitcoin Rapid-Fire

Bitcoin Evangelism (The Book) w/ Brian De Mint

Sep 14 2022 • 1hr 36m

Show Notes

I often ask the twitterverse if there are any bitcoiners out there who would like to jump on the podcast for a discussion about whatever they're into (or want to discuss).
Evan hit me up, so we set up a chat.


More from Brian:

More from me:
SUBSTACK: Money Messiah

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The Bitcoin Conference is taking the show to Europe for the first time, with the conference going down in Amsterdam from October 12-14. I'm sure they're going to blow it out of the water once again. If you want to scoop up some tickets, use the promo code 'VALLIS' to get 10% off.
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103 sats
Sep 22 2022
10 sats
Sep 28 2022
Reading Mark De Mint’s book as part of Sazmining’s book club. Great episode. John always bringing his best to conversation.
Oct 10 2022
3 sats
Sep 16 2022
please follow me too