Title: I Am So Anxious About The Future
By: Judy Moore
Bible Reading: Book of Ecclesiastes (Chapter 8, verses 7-17 and Chapter 11, verses 9-10)
Recorded: Sunday 14/06/2020 (Online Service)
Beyond Lockdown: Opening Up To Life - I Am So Anxious About The Future (Finding courage in a fearful world)
In a recent UK survey, nearly 70% of people said that lockdown has increased their anxiety. And, it wasn’t just fear about getting Coronavirus. No, a significant amount of this anxiety was due to worrying about leaving lockdown and getting back to normal life. To add to these concerns, a different survey last year revealed that British 18-30 year olds were already more fearful than rest of the world. It seems that many of us live with real anxiety. So, in a world of such fear, is there anywhere we can go to find courage?
For full videos of our livestream services please visit our YouTube Channel - http://bit.ly/RiversideChurchOnline. You can watch all videos in this teaching series by visiting: https://bit.ly/BeyondLockdown-YouTube
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Note: While this talk is based on the above listed sections of the Bible, the actual bible readings used during our services may sometimes change. Full readings: Ecclesiastes 8:7-17; Ecclesiastes 11:9-10; Psalms 23:4; Luke 12:22-26; 1 Peter 5:6-7