The Battle Between Youncin' Brad & Paisley

The Battle Between Youncin' Brad & Paisley

Pod'N Me

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Hershall, This week was a jammin' packed episode. We started with some feedback that included strong criticism (critical word) of Deacon Dustin's choice of fashion. We heard from an anti-souper  and we also heard from our Super-fan, Andrea. She gave glowing praise concerning past episodes and love for a segment that we finished with today... NAME THAT TUNE! The contest was between Youncin' Brad and.... well, read the title. The deacon may have a new nickname. During the contest, Bustin Dustin gave us a tid-bit (small, interesting item of information) of his personal history. It was an admission of hugging a famous person in front of a crowd! 

Leave us some feedback if you'd like at and follow is on Instagram @podn_me.  

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Personalities on Pod'N Me
Pastor: Devin Birdsong
Deacon: Dustin Wakley
Songleader: Brad Cottrell
Hershall: Jud Ingram
News Anchor, Dink Burbank: Josh Smith
Gen Z Boy: Brooks Birdsong


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