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Outreach Incorporated. If you're in Australia and need help with a DV situation please call: 1800RESPECT A conversation on Doug Wilson's pernicious and pervasive influence in Canada and Australia with Wes Bredenhof, who has pastored Reformed churches in Canada and Australia, and Camille de Vos, who was born and raised in the Free Reformed Churches of Australia. We have episodes upcoming on the influence of Doug, Christian Nationalism, abuse in the church, and more, across Europe, Africa, South America, and parts of Asia. May the global church take notice. Wes Bredenhof's blog series on Doug Wilson:
The Good,
The Bad,
The Ugly. Camille de Vos:
Stories by Camille,
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Sarah Bader Graphic Design: Anonymous Survivors SURVIVORS - THANK YOU, AND MAY YOU BE HEARD. Become a supporter of this podcast: