Nathan grew up in a Christ-believing household, but he started to stray from his childhood faith as a college student. Away from the familiarities of home, he was drawn into things like drinking and partying by his new friends. “Long story short, God brought me back to Himself when I didn’t deserve it,” he said. In time, Nathan spent a summer sharing Jesus with strangers on the streets of major U.S. cities, and is now completing a residency in youth ministry at his church. Barely out of college himself, Nathan’s goal is to help young people avoid wasting time not living for Jesus.

Like Nathan, the Israelite leader Moses had a heart for the next generation. Knowing he would soon relinquish leadership, Moses delivered God’s good regulations to the people and then the list of consequences: blessing and life for obedience, cursing and death for disobedience. “Now choose life, so that you and your children may live,” Moses told them, “for the


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