Sijal Nasralla is a diaspora Palestinian who makes music and maqluba in Durham, North Carolina. Dunums is a project that describes itself as "Arty, noisey, post-rock, bedroom fake-jazz for a free Palestine. Blending memory and homeland heartache into feelings, full sonic moments on family, love, rage, and how "God" will always be greater". SIjal also plays drums in The Muslims, a "crunchy, kickass punk band of Black + brown queer muzzies."
Sijal and I set out on a deeply personal and liberatory rabbit hole where we pass the aux cord back and forth at the Free Palestine party. This mixtape is quintessentially diasporic; reflecting the experience of having our feet in two cultures that are in constant and intense flux with one another. We abhor the empire but adore Dolly Parton.
Free Palestine // End the Genocide // Zionist Punks, Fuck Off