IlliniGuys Sports Spectacular - Sept 17 Weekend - 2nd Hour

IlliniGuys Sports Spectacular - Sept 17 Weekend - 2nd Hour

IlliniGuys Sports Spectacular

Don't miss this week’s SPECIAL episode of "IlliniGuys Sports Spectacular" radio show. Hear excerpts of our 1st hour interview with Illini QB legend Jack Trudeau will join his teammate David Williams to talk about the Mike White era, their favorite play and Jack’s ongoing health issues.

If you want to donate to help Jack, please go to our home page and look for the Trudeau #10 button. It will take you to his GoFundMe page - or you can go there directly by clicking the link below.

Fundraiser for Danielle Trudeau by Tim Simpson : Medical Assistance for the Jack Trudeau Family

We will also have time with Kedric Prince (IlliniGuys Director of Recruiting), Matt Stevens (IlliniGuys Staff Writer), and Brandon Wildman (Host of I on the Lines).


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