PCR89 - Podcasting is Low Time Preference with NunyaBidness

PCR89 - Podcasting is Low Time Preference with NunyaBidness

Plebchain Radio

QW & Avi discuss the self belief and self delusion of podcasting, the low time preference mentality, celebrating 1000 shows of Bitcoin And.., Nostr and much more with NunyaBidness

Bitcoin And... Podcast :

Avi Burra's Book 24 : https://www.amazon.com/24-Avi-Burra/dp/B0CN9NRNNB/ref=sr_1_1?crid=27RW9P8JQ4YMV&keywords=avi+burra+24&qid=1700327391&sprefix=avi+burra+24%2Caps%2C122&sr=8-1

Plebchain Radio Shirt - Black and Yellow - https://lightning.store/product/plebchain-radio-black-t-shirt/


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