SERMON TITLE: We need to Talk
BY: Tim Chilvers
DATE: Sunday 16 April 2023
BIBLE PASSAGES: James | Chapter 5 | Verses 13-19
Surely confession can’t be that important? The journalist Dorothy Dix was quoted as saying “confession is always weakness”; but is this really true or might confession be one of the most powerful things we can do? How often are we really honest with those closest to us? Really, really honest….telling them the things we know are embarrassing, hard and let our guards down so they see the real us, the bits that aren’t quite as shiny as we’d like them to be. Do we prefer to stick to the Instagram perfect pictures, where everything is filtered to perfection? Yet this is what we have been called to do to help us grow in our relationship with God and help us live fully in the freedom that God intended for our lives. James helps us to realise there is great power in confessing the things we struggle with so we can live fully in the light of Jesus.
What's true of Riverside Church when we meet together in-person is still true of us online. We are on a journey together to help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers across Birmingham and beyond. Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common; our discovery of God and His amazing love. We hope you will feel at home among us and that you will find our weekly services, events and groups welcoming and relevant to your life.
Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you're so welcome in this community. To find out more about Riverside Church please visit our website: https://riverside-church.org.uk/
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