Wasting 1 Hour of Your Life | PMM 06

Wasting 1 Hour of Your Life | PMM 06

Ungovernable Misfits

In this episode of Ungovernable Misfits PMM, we dive into a whirlwind of topics, starting with some technical difficulties and soundboard issues that lead to a humorous and chaotic start. The conversation takes a personal turn as we share anecdotes about family life, wine preferences, and opinions on cats.

Our discussion shifts to current events, including a recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Butler County, PA, and other significant incidents in the Rust Belt. We also touch on the media's portrayal of racial tensions in the US and the UK, and the impact of social media on public perception.

We delve into the world of Bitcoin mining, with shoutouts to our sponsors, Bifrost Manufacturing and Altair Technologies, and discuss the benefits of raw milk and herd shares. The episode wraps up with a humorous and somewhat gross story about foot care, and a nod to Joe Rogan's recent podcast topics that seem to mirror our own.

OUTRO - The Time Has Come by The Chambers Brothers



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Use the affiliate link above and don't forget to use code UNGOVERNABLE at checkout

BIFROST MANUFACTURING - https://bifrostmanufacturing.com

Bifrost Manufacturing offers custom and mass-produced manufacturing services like CNC Plasma Cutting, Water Jet Cutting, Industrial and Consumer FDM services, DMLS printing, Welding and Fabrication, and product design and engineering. They also work with local educational institutions to help manufacture parts for various STEM programs.

Thanks for listening you Ungovernable Misfits, we appreciate your continued support and hope you enjoy the shows.

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(00:00:00) Damn Soundboard...

(00:01:40) Mysterious Happenings in the Steel Buckle

(00:08:54) Machetes Gone Wild 🔪

(00:16:12) ⚡ BOOSTS ⚡

(00:37:48) Hey BIFROST MFG! I've Got a Retarded Idea 🧠

(00:42:09) ALTAIR TECHNOLOGIES is a Juggernaut 💪

(00:48:43) Parmesan Feet

(00:52:11) I Got a Raw Milk Supplier 🥛

(00:56:07) 🛑 STOP, DROP AND BOOST 🛑

(00:57:06) Joe Stole Our Material!

(00:59:19) The Time Has Come


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