No President is above FISMA Law
James R Patterson
Destined to be an international Cybersecurity thriller the author is a seasoned professional in Information Technology who, through current events, Podcast, and Facebook social media, puts together an unstoppable world class initiative that speaks to future Presidents of the United States and provides every future White House dispensation (Administration) with innovative and modernizing solutions for FISMA Law compliance. A podcast that remains relevant to every President and the Public of the United States of America.
Season 2 Episode 5 Cybersecurity during the Ukraine War
In this episode the author raises awareness regarding Cyber Threats during the Ukraine War and how those threats are relevant to the USA and every other nation around the world.
Season 2 Episode 4 Funding System Security Assessments
The author discusses the current US Cybersecurity landscape and reasons for US business systems vulnerabilities and proposed an approach for covey system assessment and remediation costs.
Season 2 Episode 3 Thesis - A Federal Law for Constitution Information System Management
In this episode using a dialectic approach the author investigates, discusses, and reconciles certain “opinions” as to whether there should be a federal law explicitly for Constitution Information System Management.
Season 2 Episode 2 - National Strategy for COVID-19 and Podcast Episodes for Human Synergistics
In this episode the author discusses President Biden’s National Strategy for COVID-19, specifically paragraph 2 on page 6. Additionally the author explains how the required nationwide human synergistics can be achieved.
Season 2 Episode 1 - Podcast Season 2 and Presidential Inauguration 2021
In this episode the author celebrates Season 2 of his podcast and Presidential Inauguration 2021.
Episode 66 US Capital Assault and FISMA Compliance
In this episode the author discusses the assault on the United States Capital and the security controls required to protect United States Capital operations and physical boundaries.
Episode 65 How to Identify Insider Threats in the White House and Congress
In this episode the author suggests common sense actions any White House administration can take to proactively identify Insider Threats to FISMA Law and for more effective Cybersecurity Programs.
Episode 64 Cyber Warfare - Remediation of US Federal Government External Systems’ Vulnerability
In this episode the author discusses the serious Cyber attack reported by the news media during December, 2020 and makes strategic leadership recommendations.
Episode 63 Senator Mitt Romney on US Cybersecurity
In this episode the author responds to Senator Romney’s December 17 tweet regarding US Cybersecurity and makes recommendations to President Elect Joe Biden and the US Congress on FISMA Law compliance as a long term solution.
Episode 62 DSO Certification Mini Series - 07, The COVID-19 Giant Vaccine Logistical Effort
In this episode the author discusses the COVID-19 Vaccine Logistical Effort and effective NPSAIS Support with an emphasis on the role of the NPSAIS Data Security Officer.
Episode 61 DSO Certification Mini Series- 06, Answers to DSO Exam questions in Episode 60
In this episode the author provides answers to sample Exam test questions in episode 60 along with supporting rationales. Also the DSO Certification Exam test environment is described.
Episode 60 DSO Certification Mini Series - 05, Example of the DSO Certification Exam.
In this episode the author provides a sampling of 20 questions that could appear on the DSO Certification Exam.
Episode 59 DSO Certification Mini Series - 04, Homework Review
In this episode the author reviews the takeaways from the homework Google research of FISMA Law 2014, FIPS-199, and FIPS-200.
Episode 58 DSO Certification Mini Series - 03, DSO and Data Reverence
In this episode the author reveals how a teenager achieves the required DSO Data Reverence necessary to pass the DSO Certification Exam.
Episode 57 DSO Certification Mini Series - 02, Thought Processes of a DSO
In the episode the author mentors teenagers on how to gain a mastery of the thought processes of a professional NPSAIS Data Security Officer and a US Pandemic Crisis Management Stakeholder.
Episode 56 DSO Certification Mini Series - 01
In this episode the author reveals his approach to NPSAIS Data Security Officer Certification.
Episode 48 NPSAIS Health Facilities Database Record Tables - Facility Table
In this episode the author documents the requirements and design specifications for the Health Facilities Database Record Facility Table.
Episode 55 Identification of NPSAIS Stakeholders for all Counties within every State of the USA
In this episode the author describes the methodology used to estimate NPSAIS Pandemic Crisis Management stakeholders at the County government level.
Episode 54 US Congress is not above FISMA Law
In this episode the author emphasizes Warning of Insider threats and Vigilance in US Information Security through FISMA Law Compliance.
Episode 53 The federal Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) NPSAIS Stakeholder
In this episode the author declares the inclusion of CISA and Department of Homeland Security as NPSAIS Pandemic Crisis Management Stakeholders.
Episode 52 Applied Human Synergistics- Part 1
In this episode the author contrasts “talk” and “action” associated with Human Synergistics during our current period in the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, Human Synergistics is to be validated through Podcast episodes.
Episode 51 Worldwide Invitation to be my Podcast Guest
In this episode the author publishes instructions for those interested in appearing in the podcast.
Episode 50 NPSAIS Artificial Intelligence
In this episode the author specifies constraints on Artificial Intelligence in support of NPSAIS.
Episode 49 Touchpad RBT Key 6
In this episode the author describes the use of the NPSAIS Touchpad feature, Key 6 and provides a link to supporting references for system engineering purposes.
Episode 47 Commissioning NPSAIS Pandemic Crisis Management Stakeholders - Part 2
In this episode the author describes in detail mandatory US Pandemic Crisis Management Stakeholders.
Episode 46 Commissioning NPSAIS Pandemic Crisis Management Stakeholders - Part 1
In this episode the author sets the framework from which to specify the US Pandemic Crisis Management Stakeholders which are a critical NPSAIS requirement. In Part 2 of this episode official stakeholders will be identified.
Episode 45 Mandatory NPSAIS Command Center Duties
In this episode the author provides the requirements and design specifications for mandatory NPSAIS Command Center Duties. Visual references for the episode can be found at the author’s specified website.
Episode 44 The Enduring Information Security Mystery
In this episode the author codifies a problem definition for all future Presidents and White House administrations. Included is a lesson learned and an emphasis on due diligence to be demonstrated to the American Public.
Episode 43 SA Transaction Processing Routines - Introduction
In this episode the author introduces future podcast episodes that will provide detailed coding instructions for specific routines executed within a NPSAIS software module. An example routine is provided in this episode.
Episode 42 About My Podcast Seasons 1, 2, and 3
In this episode the author codifies his long term Vision of the podcast, shares his reasoning for its relevance and value, and re-emphasizes that No President is above FISMA Law.
Episode 41 Touchpad RBT Key 5
In this episode the author discusses the Touchpad Key 5 feature of the National Pandemic Situational Awareness Information System (NPSAIS).
Episode 40 Boilerplate for Episodes
In this episode the author creates the episode to allow reuse of the episode content in all future episode closing segments.
Episode 39 Introduction to my Multimedia Productions
In this episode the author reviews a standard closing segment for all future podcast episodes which includes a high level overview of his website pages as a model for Cyberspace Multimedia Productions.
Episode 38 The Need for Information Security Awareness in US Public Media
In this episode the author critiques an interview with Kamala Harris regarding the restoration of trust in the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and offers an effective solution to restore the integrity of the CDC.
Episode 37 NPSAIS Modular Programming Coding Requirements- 2
In this episode the author contrasts mini and micro computer software languages, discusses the Waterfall System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) phases, and repeats code that must be included in every NPSAIS software module.
Episode 36 NPSAIS Modular Programming Coding Requirements- 1
In this episode the author reads through a flowchart that has every coding requirement that is mandatory for a NPSAIS software module. After the read through the author does a walk through of the flowchart to amplify the understanding of the coding requirements.
Episode 35 Touchpad RBT Key 4
In this episode the author provides an understanding of Touchpad Key 4 and System Table 2. The author also urges US federal and state governments to acquire innovative and modernized Pandemic Technology system resources.
Episode 34 My Podcast Thrillers Website
In this episode the author introduces his podcasting website, describes pages to be added and content to be added. The author also identifies mobile apps used for website creation and content development to include an exclusive Cast of Characters.
Episode 30 - Touchpad RBT Key 3
In this episode the author explains all pieces of information stored in the data elements of System Table 1. Touchpad Key 3 accesses System Table 1 information. System Table 1 is in every US Health Facility database record.
Episode 33 - My Podcast Intellectual Property Rights
In this episode the author provides a reference to a YouTube video produced by Tom Buck titled, “Should you use Anchor for your Podcast?” which resolves a conspiracy theory that undermines Anchor podcast services.
Episode 32 - My Revised Podcast Description
In this episode the author provides an explanation for the critical change made to his podcast description. A change that is extraordinary in scope.
Episode 31 - Podcast, Novel, and Facebook
In this episode the author shares an understanding of how his podcast, novel, and Facebook compliment each other. The author also provides information on how to visit his Facebook.
Episode 29 - Guests wanted for Podcast
In this episode the author identifies 19 types of guests to be featured in this Podcast. The guests represent a diverse range of interests and experience relevant to the vision for this podcast.
Episode 28 - Discretion for Cost Effective Future Pandemic Technology
In this episode the author exposes the expensive costs in using private sector contractors for performing the system engineering of future Pandemic Technology capabilities and identifies ways to use a more cost effective approach.
Episode 27 - Touchpad Key Columns Design
In this episode the author provides requirements and design information associated with the Touchpad feature of the NPSAIS for system engineering, Data Security Officer role and responsibilities, and US Pandemic Crisis Management Stakeholders knowledge and understanding.
Episode 26 - Touchpad RBT Key 2
In this episode the author specifies requirement and design information for the functionality of Touchpad Key 2. Key 2 is restricted for use by the NPSAIS Command Center.
Episode 25 - Touchpad RBT Key 1
In this episode the author provides the requirement and design specifications for Key 1 of the Touchpad feature of the National Pandemic Situational Awareness Information System (NPSAIS) aka Tomorrow’s Pandemic Technology.
Episode 24 - Touchpad RBT Introduction
In the episode the author describes how the Touchpad feature of the National Pandemic Situational Awareness Information System (NPSAIS) is an integral part of new innovative and modernized pandemic technology system resources our federal government can obtain and deploy.
Episode 23 - Lessons learned from Episode 22
In this episode the author reviews what is involved in FISMA Law Vulnerability Remediation and contrasts violation incidents for prosecution. This episode is associated with the Department of Health and Human Services incident recently in violating FISMA Law.
Episode 22 - How to remediate FISMA Noncompliance Vulnerabilities
In this episodes the author specifies how to execute the remediation of a FISMA Noncompliance Vulnerability using the Case of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) / Center for Disease Control (CDC) FISMA Noncompliance Violation Vulnerability.
Episode 21 - President’s Executive Order
In the episode the author explains the mandatory requirement of the President’s Executive Order and provides a response for State Governors who do not want to comply and cooperate with the Executive Order of the President.
Episode 20 - HHS OIG Policy
In this episode the author provides additional guidance to assure the American Public that the FISMA Noncompliance administrative vulnerability is being permanently remediated.
Episode 19 - Administrative Vulnerability
In this episode the author identifies a serious problem described as a FISMA Non- compliance vulnerability that will remain after the Trump administration is gone. It is critical that the next President immediately remediate the vulnerability identified.
Episode 18 - Mercedes and Touchpad RBT
In this episode the author of this podcast and his novel introduces Mercedes, Marty, and Ben who are members of the NPSAIS Tiger Team and three characters instrumental in Pandemic Crisis Management Team preparation.
Episode 17 - NIST SP 800 Series
In this episode the author visits the NIST website and Computer Security Resource Center and locates all NIST SP 800 Series documents that must be used in the NPSAIS project introduced in the author’s novel and podcast.
Episode 16 - FIPS-199
In this episode the author explains the criticality of US health facility data and why the FISMA mandated FIPS-199 security categorization of NPSAIS US health facility data is HIGH. This episode is also associated with Series 2 of the Podcast.
Episode 15 Data Integrity
In this episode the author explains the significance of data integrity in the performance of Data Security Officer activities and how data integrity is part of the formula in determining FIPS-199 data security categorization.
Episode 14 Data Security Officers
In this episode the author discusses discretion as it relates to NPSAIS Data Security Officers. Also, Data Integrity is introduced as a critical success factor.
Episode 13 Touchpad RBT
In this episode the author describes the approach used for the National Pandemic Situational Awareness Information System (NPSAIS) Touchpad Role Based Training. The NPSAIS has been noted as Tomorrow’s Pandemic Technology.
Episode 12 Teenagers Wanted
In this episode the author describes an ideal opportunity for all teenagers across the USA to enter into a career path in Information Security.
Episode 11 My CISSP
In the episode the Podcast producer validates Podcast information, explains the CISSP Cybersecurity credential, and applies CISSP relevance to our federal government administrations.
Episode 10 My CAP
In this episode the Podcast producer validates credentials and qualifications that support Tomorrow’s Pandemic Technology as featured in his novel.
Episode 9 Planned Episodes
In this episode the Podcast producer identifies 8 upcoming episodes with a high level review of each episode, providing some interesting listener expectations.
Episode 8 Information Systems
The author dedicates this episode to the Podcast listeners and discusses the value of Information Systems knowledge.
Episode 7 Leadership Consensus
The author reveals a defect in current Pandemic Crisis Management Stakeholder practices.
Episode 6 Cast of Characters
In this episode the author introduces the Cast of Characters associated with his contemporary novel.
Episode 5 Touchpad Intelligence
In this episode the Touchpad feature of the National Pandemic Situational Awareness Information System (NPSAIS) is introduced for federal government consideration.
Episode 4 Presidential Logic
The author provides long term Presidential logic for this Podcast series.
Episode 3 Integrity of the CDC
Is it possible to restore confidence in the CDC? Yes but only if FISMA Compliance is 100% implemented and maintained at the Department of Health and Human Services (DoHHS).
Episode 2 Getting Acquainted
This podcast provides a brief introduction to the author, as well as a system overview of the National Pandemic Situational Awareness Information System (NPSAIS) and the NPSAIS Stakeholders.
No President is above FISMA Law (Trailer)
Episode 1 Podcast Introduction
In the episode I introduce a contemporary novel I am writing titled “No President is above FISMA Law - Tomorrow’s Pandemic Technology”. I reference is Dept. of HHS FISMA violation by misuse of CDC data.