Sci-fi Sense

Sci-fi Sense

Sci-fi Sense

Sci-fi Sense explores the intersection of fact and fiction, through the lens of sci-fi and pop culture, with a heavy nostalgic bent. The podcast focuses on topics relevant to today and was launched during the COVID-19 pandemic as a way to try to make sense of the growing weirdness of the world through the lessons taught by the sci-fi genre. Join us on an intergalactic joyride via Starship Earth through the best of sci-fi and pop culture as we attempt to decipher the algorithmic code known as "reality”!

Ep 05: "SEX MACHINA" Part 2 of 4: Consciousness & the AI Mind

Ep 05: "SEX MACHINA" Part 2 of 4: Consciousness & the AI Mind

Robots have been a pillar in science fiction for decades, a cornerstone for futuristic fantasy and technolust. We have finally reached the moment when science fiction becomes science fact, with robotics becoming commercialized at an all-time high rate for widespread industrial and consumer use. And now, robots are even being developed for sexual functions, which could replace human romantic partners altogether for a percentage of the population.___________In this PART 2 of a four-part series we

Jul 7, 2021 • 44:36

Ep 04: "SEX MACHINA" Part 1 of 4: The Rise of Sex Robots

Ep 04: "SEX MACHINA" Part 1 of 4: The Rise of Sex Robots

“Oh robot, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways…”  Now how about, "Oh sexy robot. How do I make love to thee? Let me configure the settings..."Robots have been a pillar in science fiction for decades, a cornerstone for futuristic fantasy fueled by technolust. We have finally reached the moment when science fiction becomes science fact, with robotics becoming commercialized at an all-time high rate for widespread industrial and consumer use. And now, robots are even being developed

May 4, 2021 • 23:53

Ep 03.1 Xmas Special : The Story of Pompeii & Eruption of Mt. Coronavirus 2020

Ep 03.1 Xmas Special : The Story of Pompeii & Eruption of Mt. Coronavirus 2020

As this most arduous annual trip around the sun draws to a close, I've been reflecting upon the underlying causes for the pandemic and its pervasive effects on the world, now that we've had a full year to observe a world in crisis mode. This short mini-sode began as an unused section from a previous episode, but the story came back to mind during a recent 14-day travel quarantine. The destruction of Pompeii highlights an important lesson: that 2020 may soon be over, but we're not nearly out

Dec 26, 2020 • 14:48

Ep 03 : "The Cassandra Complex vs. Conspiracy Theory" - The Curse of Being Able to Predict the Future

Ep 03 : "The Cassandra Complex vs. Conspiracy Theory" - The Curse of Being Able to Predict the Future

Chicken Little ran around screaming, "The sky is falling!" like a chicken with its head cut off. And then we had KFC for dinner.Prophets, oracles, soothsayers, seers - they're people who say they can predict the future. And then there's time travelers who say they come from the future with knowledge of what's to come. Throughout history and fiction, we've always had figures who somehow predicted future events, whether through supernatural or science-backed means. And there's never a shorta

Nov 6, 2020 • 0:00

Ep 02 : "TIME TRAVEL & MEMORY" - How 12 Monkeys shows us the End of the World is going to be OK

Ep 02 : "TIME TRAVEL & MEMORY" - How 12 Monkeys shows us the End of the World is going to be OK

Memory and time are interlinked. That’s easy enough. But what are memories and where do they come from? Are they just from past experiences? And how come certain people, places, and things feel familiar even if you’ve never encountered them before?19th century Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard famously wrote, “'Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” Well, not if you have a time travel machine, as is often the case in sci-fi!We’re going to look at Terry Gilliams

Sep 12, 2020 • 56:54

Ep 01 : "THE NAKED NOW" - How Star Trek TNG Predicted the Coronavirus Pandemic

Ep 01 : "THE NAKED NOW" - How Star Trek TNG Predicted the Coronavirus Pandemic

Pandemics, schmandemics. They've bugged us for ages and they never seem to go away. How will we deal with viruses in the future? What kind of precautions and counter-measures will we develop to protect ourselves and deal with the impacts - both physical and psychological? Why do people react to pandemics with such odd behavior?Thanks to sci-fi, we have pandemic stories galore. For our first episode, we'll explore how Star Trek : The Next Generation - Episode 2 "The Naked Now" depicts one such vi

Aug 10, 2020 • 55:41

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