Awakening Greater Edmonton to King Jesus.
Do You Want To Be Well?
What Am I Giving Power To?
Where Do I Go From Here
What Does Your Money Magnify?
Why Are You Called Brother And Sister
When Fear Is A Good Thing
Pray On The Armour of God
Taking Your Thoughts Captive
You Can Weather Any Storm
His Truth Is Not Relative
The Schemes Of The Devil
Making A Lasting Difference This Year
Overcoming Self-Sufficiency
O Come All Ye Faithful
Knowing Jesus Is Greater Than The Easy Route
Knowing Jesus Is Greater Than Reliving The Past
Knowing Jesus Is Greater Than Power
Knowing Jesus Is Greater Than The Good Life
Knowing Jesus Is Greater Than Everything Else
Knowing Jesus Changes Everything
The Joy Of Your Salvation
We Are In This Together
Together We Give
When you get scared, frightened, or nervous, what do you hold onto? As a child, perhaps it was your favourite stuffed animal, a blanket, your pet, or a loved one. How about as an adult...? This weekend, we are going to discover that sometimes the things that we're holding onto, are the very things that are holding onto us.
Obey: The Goodness of God
Obey: The Pain, The Presence, The Promise
Obey: For His Name’s Sake
Obey: The Good Shepherd
Like the Father
Like the Father.
In the Bible, we see that Jesus does what the Father does, so we can say that He is like the Father. Here’s how Jesus puts it, “Truly I tell you, the Son is not able to do anything on his own, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, the Son likewise does these things.” (John 5:19 CSB).
There is no doubt that the presence (or absence) of our earthly parents in our lives affects us, and we are always “like” them in some way. But on this Father’s D
Dear Church: It’s Worth the Risk
When it comes to risk, how would you characterize yourself? How comfortable are you with risks? When's the last time you took one? And what happened when you did?
This weekend, as we wrap up our series, Dear Church, we are going to explore a risk that someone named Ananias in the Bible took…and why it’s always worth it to take the kind of risk that he took.
Dear Church: We Can’t Do This Alone
‘Dear Church’, this weekend, we are going to unpack what it means to live filled and empowered with the Holy Spirit, as we continue our series on the why, the what, and the so what of the church.
Dear Church: Who Do You Think You Are?
‘Dear Church’, we’re going to open up the Bible to examine the why, the what, and the so what of the church.
In this second part of this four part sermon series - Pastor Daniel speaks on 'Who do we think we are' as followers of King Jesus.
Dear Church: You are Part of the Plan
‘Dear Church’, we’re going to open up the Bible to examine the why, the what, and the so what of the church.
We’re living in a world that increasingly sees the church as a negative or irrelevant “institution,” rather than the living, breathing, beautiful bride of Christ that she is—that we are.
Q&A with Pastor Daniel & Dr. Simon Sheh
We are wrapping up our ‘Asking For A Friend’ sermon series. We have been wrestling with the awkward and uncomfortable questions many people wonder about but are not sure how to ask. Pastor Daniel and Dr. Simon Sheh will be answering some of your questions that you have submitted throughout this series.
Questions About Parenting and Control
How can we make sure that our kids “turn out right”? Surely we just have to find the right way to “train up a child,” as Proverbs 22:6 tells us, right?
Questions About Suicide
“Suicide is a permanent irreversible attempt to solve a temporary problem.” Rick Warren
If you have active suicidal thoughts, call Access 24/7 | 780-424-2424
Questions About Getting High
Regarding your “Form of Escape”, ask yourself:
Is this beneficial?
Is this my master?
Easter 2022
If you could sum up your life in 6 words, which 6 would you use?
Good Friday 2022
Fear and worry begin to grip us and they become the motivation of our actions. But, when we Turn Our Eyes Upon Jesus and we look full in His wonderful face, we find forgiveness, peace, love, and our circumstances, our earthly realities, and our convictions begin to grow strangely dim as we walk again in the unforced rhythms of Jesus’ glorious grace.
Questions About Anger
So what do we do with the anger thing? Do we supress it? Do we express it? Or is there another way?
Questions About Food
Many things will distract us from Jesus every single day. Here at Beulah, our focus will always be on King Jesus, no matter what comes our way.
Questions About Sex And Pornography
But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. Early in the morning He came back into the temple [court], and all the people were coming to Him. He sat down and began teaching them. 3 Now the scribes and Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery. They made her stand in the center of the court, and they said to Him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the very act of adultery. Now in the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women [to death]. So what do You say [to do with her—what is