Sing Confidently, Live Creatively - Vocal Warm Ups, Voice Training, Sing With Confidence, Audition Tips, Singing on Stage, Creativity Tips

Sing Confidently, Live Creatively - Vocal Warm Ups, Voice Training, Sing With Confidence, Audition Tips, Singing on Stage, Creativity Tips

Estelle Idoko - Singer, Actor, Voice Teacher, Singing Coach

Hi singers and performers! I am so excited to help you start singing with confidence so you can have more creative lives as performing artists! This podcast is for you if you... Wish you could start singing, acting, auditioning, and performing on stage with confidence. Keep telling yourself that you’re going to get back into singing but never do. Wish you had a creative outlet outside of your career and obligations, but are afraid people will judge you. Want to start taking vocal lessons but don’t know where to start. Want to start auditioning and performing in community thea...

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