I'm so excited to present our next miniseries in partnership with SEEK. It has brought so much yay to mix up the format and zoom in on particular facets of seizing your yay, so allow me to introduce Finders, SEEKers.
You've all heard me rave on and on about how life unravels in many different chapters and how the most uncomfortable, scary changes in our lives are usually the most transformative and exciting. One of the many silver linings of an otherwise undesirable few years is the opportunity to clear the slate of habit and obligation to actively SEEK those changes you've always dreamed of.
And there truly is NO better time than now with more jobs around than ever before but less applications per job ad driven by a shortage of candidates. The Great Job Boom is upon us and yet 45% of Aussies are worried their skills and resume won't stack up against other Aussies...
So in
Finders, SEEKers, we have a host of amazing guests from coaches to intrapreneurs to help kick those nays to the curb and turn them into yays by making your next move. I'm thrilled to welcome our very first guest,
Kemi Nekvapil, who returns to the show for the second time and how lucky we are to have her again...
Go back to episode 50 to hear her full back story, but to recap, Kemi embodies the idea of the non-linear pathway spending her childhood with five different foster families with as many different careers covering stage and TV acting, professional baking and yoga teaching. All before finding her calling as a speaker, coach and author of two brilliant books – The Gift of Asking and, published only recently, Power.
Consider yourselves lucky yayborhood to have an hour of Kemi’s time, her coaching is highly sought after and if you’ve ever been considering making a change towards seizing your yay, she’s the woman you need to hear from...
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