LOTS to Talk About with Nickolas Natali

LOTS to Talk About with Nickolas Natali

The LOTS Project

LOTS to Talk About with Nickolas Natali

Tonight I chat with Nickolas Natali. He is an entertainment entrepreneur with a technical background. He worked as a Software Engineer and Software Project Manager for the Department of Defense for four years. I host and produce one of the top Entrepreneurship podcasts in the world. He also lived in an ’86 Suburban along the way. We had a great chat. Take a listen

Find out more about Nickolas at:


Are you a Taphophile, or enjoy cemeteries and the history and stories behind them? Consider joining my Cemetery Explorers Club.  https://thelotsproject.com/explorersclub/


Find out more at https://thelotsproject.com


Come and Hang out with Kori and I at SRF6 in Camden TN OCT 14-15

Early bird tickets on sale now (save $20)


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