Aimee Stanton // Lady tradie, life-lover, legend

Aimee Stanton // Lady tradie, life-lover, legend

Seize the Yay

Sometimes I regret using certain phrases so much because when I really want to hammer something home I’ve usually already overdone it. So, for example, I really want to emphasise what an incredible breath of fresh air today’s guest is but I’ve probably said that many times before so thank goodness you’re about to hear from her yourself as I know you’ll agree she’s truly one in a billion.

If anyone’s pathYAY could be said to truly veer off in totally unexpected directions at every new chapter, it’s Aimee Stanton’s – she has the most fascinating story so far and she’s not even 30. If you’ve met her even once, she’s someone you want to be around more and more with the most energetic zest for life, for giving things a red hot crack and being who you truly are. You’d expect that she’s always been as confident and self-assured but I was surprised to learn that most of her earlier years were spent not only thinking but being told she’d never amount to anything culminating in an expulsion from school and many years not knowing where her place was. But after finding her feet as an award winning plumber and shaking up the industry as a lady tradie, walking ON FOOT from Melbourne to Canberra because she could, competing on Survivor and House Rules then starting an incredibly successful business, Tiny Stays, building tiny homes with her brother, she’s well and truly proved her strength, talent and drive and I bloody loved having her on the show.

We’ve been in each other’s orbit for a few years now through another regular podcast guest Sammy Gash and recently spend time in the NT getting to know each other even better. Ih op9e you guys enjoy her a much as I did

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