Pony Express?

Pony Express?

The LOTS Project

In todays episode I talk about our tentative plans for residency, mail, banking and those type of things when we sell the house.

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Item of the week:

 Nebo Pal+ 3in1 Flashlight Battery Bank and Knife:

 You can get one here: https://amzn.to/3RWGsfc

 Review Video https://youtu.be/4Z-7Cy-c9J8


 Now on TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@thelotsproject

 Check out Ryan with Curio Bullion at https://curiobullion.club or curiobullion on Instagram

Find me on Fountain and participate in Value for Value exchange: https://play.fountain.fm/show/R7hma2cje0Xf9GaXR3B4

 The LOTS Project Playlist on YT: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhVhFByPLDZk_7mNXUDI88J5OmYjQ02Jm

 Product Reviews: https://thelotsproject.com/product-reviews/

 Telegram Chat https://t.me/LOTSChat

 To find out more about The LOTS Project please visit https://thelotsproject.com

 or find me on social media:

https://t.me/TheLOTSProject (channel)

https://t.me/LOTSChat (chat)








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