Plans For The Winter and a 15k Giveaway

Plans For The Winter and a 15k Giveaway

The LOTS Project Podcast

Today I chat about our Plans For The Winter, Everything from what we plan to do with the camper for cold weather to projects we will be focused on.

It's Friday so that means a Satoshi Giveaway, the pot is at 15,000 this week and we need 15 entries to give it away. Be sure to tune in every Friday to get a chance at some BTC.

When you get that Bitcoin be sure to have some cold storage options available. I have been using the Blockstream Jade and I really like it. I like it so much I have partnered with the company.

Get 10% off you purchase and help support The LOTS Project if you click the link and use discount code: THELOTSPROJECT


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The LOTS Project Podcast • Plans For The Winter and a 15k Giveaway • Listen on Fountain