Cyan Ta'eed // Her Milkshake brings all the Instagrammers to the yard

Cyan Ta'eed // Her Milkshake brings all the Instagrammers to the yard

Seize the Yay

Today's is one of those guests who I have admired from afar for many, many years (since way before I ever contemplated starting a business myself). So, I feel even more privileged and excited than usual to have sat down with the incredible Cyan Ta’eed, which is saying something. Cyan founded her first business just one year after entering the workforce but it’s her third, Envato, that propelled her onto the international stage.

Envato is world's leading marketplace and community for creative assets and creative people and Nic has actually been a customer for over 10 years! You’ll hear all about Envato's crazy growth to over 7 million members and nearly $100 million of turnover and, for most people, that would be enough but Cyan went on to start a CHOCOLATE social enterprise called Hey Tiger, which is absolutely DIVINE (and which just released a bunch of vegan friendly flavours to its already delightful range of delectable choccies - think caramelised popcorn and balsamic strawberry).

But most excitingly, this week her brand new baby Milkshake has launched, solving the age old frustration of only having one link in your Instagram bio and not being able to edit your website on your phone. Milkshake allows you to build your own Insta website to pop in your bio and bring ALL the boys to the yard making insta work harder for you. I’ll leave Cyan to tell you the rest and hope you enjoy!!!

+ See show notes here
+ Announcements on Insta at @spoonful_of_sarah
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