Your puppy's schedule will vary depending on many factors.  Including age, exercise needs, and your schedule.

When I'm asked about what a typical day looks like I know that I'm actually being asked things like:

"How many times should I take my puppy out?"
"How much exercise should my puppy get?"
"How much time is too much time in the crate?"

To help answer these questions and give you a place to start, in this episode, I talk about what a typical day might look like for a 10-week old puppy and how it will change as your puppy gets older.   

In this episode I talk about:

What your puppy's schedule will revolve around depending on their age.
How exercise and enrichment vary depending on your puppy's age.
How your puppy's schedule will change as they get older.
Examples from clients on the daily schedules that work for them. 
Bedtime and wake time.

Press play and enjoy!
Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:
YNP #056: Potty Training for a Working Household

YNP #018: Ditch the Bowl and Make Mealtime an Event 

YNP #042: 10 Ways to Play With Your Dog 

YNP #059: How to Teach Your Dog to Fetch

Rover Round Robin: Instructions to a fun, structured, family game that also reinforces recall.

11 activities to do with your dog

The flirt pole: Found under toys section of my recommended supply list.  

YOUR Perfect Puppy: 4-week online training course for you and your new puppy.


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