Briony Benjamin // Life is tough, but so are you!

Briony Benjamin // Life is tough, but so are you!

Seize the Yay

It’s been such a fun few weeks easing back in with a few doses of #yaysofourlives for you, but we’re finally back with our first full interview guest for the year and I couldn’t think of a more perfect guest than Briony Benjamin. I read Briony’s book, Life is Tough, But So Are You, when it came out in August last year and again just before this interview and both times, for different reasons, it was exactly what I needed to find my yay again and I hope this chat is the same for some of you too – it’s like she looked into the future and covered off every topic that’s relevant to the world right now.

Her pathyay to her dream job as Executive Producer at epitomises everything we love to talk about here taking twists and turns through drama teaching in London to a commerce degree then a second degree in film and TV after that. But it was finding out she had cancer all through her body while working in that role that really messed up her vision board. I don’t feel I can do justice to her journey without reading the full book out here, but I trust that by the end of this you’ll read it yourself as well as watching her short video 'You Only Get One Life' that went viral, touching millions including myself. Everything Briony shares about how to wade your way through tough times is painfully relevant to the pandemic and I feel so lucky to be able to share it with the yayborhood at a time where we all probably need a little reminder that, in Briony’s words, you can’t polish a turd but you can roll it in glitter.


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