LOTS to Talk About with Josh The Renegade Butcher      Let's Talk Nostr     L4L Mashup

LOTS to Talk About with Josh The Renegade Butcher Let's Talk Nostr L4L Mashup

The LOTS Project

Tonight we take an hour to mix LOTS to Talk About and Lightning 4 Liberty. Josh The Renegade Butcher joins me as we just have an hour chat about Nostr.

Find Lightning for Liberty Here:


Find Josh Here:


Find Brian Here:


Please give the profile I am managing a follow:


Are you a Taphophile, or enjoy cemeteries and the history and stories behind them? Consider joining my Cemetery Explorers Club. https://thelotsproject.com/explorersclub/

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Come and Hang out with Kori and I at SRF6 in Camden TN OCT 14-15

Early bird tickets on sale now (save $20)


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The LOTS Project • LOTS to Talk About with Josh The Renegade Butcher Let's Talk Nostr L4L Mashup • Listen on Fountain