VirginWorlds Podcast #57 - GDC 2007 - Day Three

VirginWorlds Podcast #57 - GDC 2007 - Day Three

VirginWorlds MMORPG Podcast

Day three at the Game Developer's Conference.
Mark Jacobs from EA Mythic granted an excellent interview to
VirginWorlds today. We started with no real agenda and ended up with
some fantastic insight into EA Mythic and Warhammer Online. Afterwards,
I spent some quality time with Monty Sharma from Vivox who showed me the
latest and greatest in MMO voice communication. Colin Dwan and Lee Hammock from
Icarus Studios took me on a tour of Fallen Earth, the post-apocalyptic
action-MMO. The day was wrapped up neatly by a panel populated by the
kings of the MMO world. Don't miss this show! 
VirginWorlds is a weekly news podcast covering Massively Multiplayer
Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs) such as World of Warcraft,
EverQuest, Guild Wars, City of Heroes, Eve Online, Vanguard, and many
many more. The main site can be found at


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